Friday 29 March 2013

50 Random Facts About Me!

Hi guys, so today I was wondering what I should blog about because I already have two reviews up and I don't want to do another one, (that would be boring!). So I looked to see if there were any tags on Youtube that I could do on my blog and I thought why not do the 50 random facts about me tag! I think it's really fun and if you want me to do a video to go with this, then tell me in the comments or on my channel! Let's jump right into it!

1. I love to swim in the ocean but I'm afraid of what's in the sea, (mostly sharks!)
2. If I see a spider of any size I will scream
3. I never got to meet my Grandad on my Mum's side
4. My Mum and Dad live apart but are NOT divorced, (I know right!, Weird!)
5. I am related to one of the Pendle Witches called Alice Nutter
6. I have lived in one house for my entire life
7. I have a dog called Charlie who is a Chocolate Labrador
8.  For a period of about a year, a few years ago, I had nightmares that I was either stuck in a house fire or drowning, I'm not sure why though because I can swim really well and I am not scared of fires! And one night they just stopped and I haven't had those dreams ever again and I would love to know what they meant
9. On Saturday mornings I help my Grandma in her shop
10. I have to touch the top rim of a door before I enter a room for good  luck, I'm kind of slacking lately!
11. I would rather die than put my brother up for the Hunger Games, ( I got asked this question at school!)
12. My favourite cereal is Lucky Charms which are not sold in the UK
13. I have only collected makeup for about a year and a half
14. I had my room redecorated just after Christmas from red to mint and hot pink, I like it better now!
15. I have been paying my Mum back the money for my laptop that I got on New Years Eve for 9 weeks now and I have survived with no spending money, tomorrow is my last payment!
16. I have been a bridesmaid three times, (in 2009, 2010 and 2011), and all for my Aunties and Uncles
17. I hate marmite
18. I hate ribs because I ate some once at a restraunt and was sick when I got home
19. My Dad accidentally trapped my wrist in the car door when I was little and now when I move it from side to side it cracks
20. Comedy is my favourite film genre
21. I countdown to nearly everything in my life
22. I set my alarm an hour early so that I can feel like I have had a lie in
23. I have an iPad and an iPhone
24. I have a guitar which I can't play
25. My favourite show to watch on Netflix is 90210
26. My favourite place in the whole world is my bedroom
27. The best place I have ever been on holiday to is Florida with my whole family
28. My most used websites are Twitter, Blogger, Youtube,, Amazon, Instagram and Netflix
29. I am obssessed with every Disney film ever made, my favourite is Beauty and The Beast and The Lion King
30. If I eat or see people eating barbeque sauce I will freak out and most likely vomit
31. I'm scared of heights
32. When I was little and on holiday in Florida, I dressed up as Minnie  Mouse, stood at the front door of the villa and made my family line up to take pictures with me like at Magic Kingdom
33. My all time favourite perfume is Midnight Fantasy by Britney Spears and when someone is wearing it I know what it is straight away
34. Maybelline and Revlon are my two favourite drugstore makeup brands
35. Funny elderly people make me laugh and smile
36. I'm the spitting image and I act just like my Auntie Caroline
37. Dry shampoo and body sprays are my kryptonite
38. My family are the most important people in my life
39. I hate the X Factor
40. I love all shows related to ghosts and spirits on TV...
41. ... But I hate horror films
42. I am a very sensitive person and will cry at most things
43. KFC gravy is the best gravy in the world
44. If I set my mind to something I will carry it out but it takes me a while to want to do it in the first place!
45. I love staying at my Dad and Grandparent's house because I get treated like a Princess!
46. I love spending time with my baby cousins who are 4, 2 and nearly 4 months old
47. I love waking up on sunny days because it reflects off of my mint coloured walls, making my room look stunning in the morning
48. When it snowed a few days ago in England, I didn't touch one peice of snow unless I had to, ( I'm growing up!)
49. ICT and Drama are my two favourite subjects in school
50. I may seem messy but I'm actually a really organised person and have OCD when it comes to things being out of place

Thanks guys for reading, hope you enjoyed! I hope you have a great day or night and I will talk to you in my next post, bye!

Olivia xx

Thursday 28 March 2013

Review: Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paint by Barry M!

Hi guys, so today I have a review on a product that I have a few thoughts on. I have a love - hate relationship with this product and I have been promising you a review on it for quite a while now!

Let's just get into it! So the first thing I want to talk about is the colour. I LOVE the colour so much! It's an extremely pastel purple with a hint of blue in it! It's my perfect spring shade and I wore it on my nails for about two weeks straight - which is a lot to say for me because I change my nail colour, nearly, every other day! This colour is perfect with a tan too and would pop on any skin tone, I believe. Also the colour name is so cute and unique, I think! If any of you guys have seen the colour "Bikini So Teeny" by Essie then you may think, like I do, that this nail polish is a slightly more purple version of it! Also by Essie, "Boxer Shorts" is a more vibrant purple than this whereas this polish is a pastel version.

I got my Barry M nail polishes from Boots, where they were having a "buy two and get a pound off deal" on all of the different ranges and types of nail polishes from Barry M. You can get them online from Boots and Superdrug and there is usually always some kind of deal on the polishes or Barry M in general, including makeup.

The application is very easy of this nail polish and it is a really great nail polish for how it applies! Because it is a gel-ish kind of finish, this means it dries quite quickly and is really shiny and lasts for at least half a week, great for holidays! You don't need a base coat with this particular shade, but I have heard from others that certain shades, in the Gelly Hi-Shine range, do stain your nails. I, however, have not experienced that with this colour.

I only have two problems with this polish. The problem is that you have to apply two coats, which I'm not bothered about, but it is quite annoying that I can't get away with only one coat but this colour is definitely worth the patience. Linking with this point is the fact that if you smudge it, you have to take a nail full of polish completely off meaning you can't just correct it. 

Overall, I really like this product but you do have to have a lot of time spare time to let it dry and set in properly, but other than this, I really like the way it looks and I really like the polish in general.

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Saturday 23 March 2013

Review - Sigma Dry 'n Shape!

Hi guys, so I was wondering what to do my first real blog post on and this morning, whilst I was washing my makeup brushes, it hit me that I should do a review on the Sigma Dry 'n Shape! I will tell you what I like about it and then what I don't!

First of all, what is the Dry 'n Shape? I hear you say. Well, it's basically your average everyday brush roll which is extraordinary! After you have washed your brushes, you put the brushes into the slits in the roll and it dries your brushes in 4-6 hours, which is amazing! This means you don't have to wait overnight for your brushes to dry and also it helps keep the shape of your brushes, and it does a really good job at both of these things!

This is from the Sigma website which tells you how to use it:
WASH - Wet brush head with warm water and work a small amount of cleanser into bristles. Use the Sigma Spa™ Brush Cleaning Glove to thoroughly wash brush until fully clean. Rinse brush and squeeze out any excess water.
SHAPE - Place your clean, damp brushes into the Dry ’n Shape using the smallest band the brush will fit into, making sure that all bristles are firmly compressed.
DRY - After 4 to 6 hours, your brushes will be completely dry and reshaped to their original form - guaranteed!

The bands that the brushes go in to dry.
I'll start with the good! Like I said before, it works great for it's two main purposes and that is really all you would buy it for! I love that, also, it is quite compact and flat so it's not a hassle to store or travel with. The whole thing fits 12 full sized brushes and is a great product! As well as all of this, it only costs $32, which in pounds sterling is around £20-£21, which is great for something you will use over and over again and it's definitely worth the money! Another great thing about it is it can store the brushes too. So you don't need to buy brush holders if not necessary! If you were wondering, yes Sigma does ship worldwide and the link to the product itself is here.

My  Sigma brushes in the Dry 'n Shape

Like any product, there is always one con about it. The only con I can think of is that the smaller brushes you may have, like the pencil brush or the eyeliner brush, don't fit snug in the bands. In fact they are very loose and sometimes they don't dry at the same speeds as the bigger brushes in the bands.

Overall though I do really like this product and I like that I know I can clean my brushes at night and they will be dry in the morning ready for the next day! This product is something I would recommend if you, like me, would like to use your brushes the next day so now, with this product, I don't have to wait!

I hope you all enjoyed my first review I have a fragrance, makeup and body product review all coming up in the future so I can't wait to do those! See you guys in my next blog post!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Friday 22 March 2013


Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy and I'm going to put my first real post up very soon! Hope you enjoy it! Xx