Here I will answer questions that I get asked all the time whether it be on my Youtube, ask.fm or here on my blog. If you have any more questions, leave them in the comments below this page and I will add them to this page at a later date.

1) How old are you?

I am 13 years old and my birthday is on October 9th 1999

2)When did you start to be into makeup and fashion?

I have had a love for girly things such as makeup and fashion since I was about 8 or 9 but I only ever played with it at home with my mum or at my best friend's house when we were just playing and having fun and I never ever wore it otherwise. But I started getting into makeup and fashion properly in the summer of 2011 when I was due to start High School. I only wore a little bit of foundation or concealer to cover my spots or areas of redness on my face and a bit of mascara. But as I have gotten into my second year of High School, teachers don't care as much so I now wear a full face of makeup, but I make sure that it looks natural and I never wear over the top stuff and usually still only do foundation and mascara because I'm so lazy! I started collecting makeup over the summer of 2012 so I didn't collect my makeup until about 6-7 months ago. I hope that cleared everything up!

3) Who designed your blog layout?

I did this blog layout myself and it took me a really long time! The hardest part was the header because I did it on a photo editing program and the easiest part was the rest of it such as the tabs and posts and colours, especially the text.

4) What camera do you use for picture taking on your blog?

I use just my iPhone 4S camera because it is really good HD quality and it has a great focus and it's easy to edit the pictures all on my phone.

5) What camera do you film your Youtube videos on?

Again I use my iPhone or iPad to film on because again they are great quality to start off with.

6) What do you edit your videos on?

If it's a simple video then I edit on iMovie on my phone or iPad but if I want to go into more detail then I do it on Windows Movie Maker, which I really love! I talked about it in my first Week Vlog, click here to see it!

7) Where did you learn to make videos and use the editing software?

I am a self taught Youtuber and I'm really proud of it! I've always been good at teaching myself things and I find it really easy to learn things like blogger, iMovie, Movie Maker and even Youtube! I love learning new things and trying new programs out! I have only watched tutorials about programs when I needed to know something specifically.But, other than that I'm self taught and I'm glad I am!

Like I said any more questions you have, leave them in the comments below and I will add most of them to this page! x

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