Monday 1 April 2013

Motivational Monday #1!

Hi guys, so I was thinking of something that I could do weekly or every other week here on my blog, so I decided to jump on the Motivational Monday bandwagon! Basically, motivational Monday means that I share a motivational quote and explain why I like it or what I think it means to get us motivated so we can get  through the week ahead, together!

I love this quote so much because it is so true. I love that even though it was written by an adult in a book which stunned the nation and was an amazing, amazing film, called The Help, it is quoted by a child of a very young age, which is taught to her by her nanny. The whole book is about black women in the 60's and how they changed the way that black maids, women especially, are treated by white families, when racism was a huge issue. I love this quote also because it shows that whoever you are, you are important and special and you can pretty much do anything that faces you. I think that addressing this quote by a child makes it even more special and memorable too, and it might have a bigger effect on you!  

That is what I think of this quote and I will carry on doing these every week or every other week. I hope this quote will help you get through your week! Hope you enjoyed! Happy April! 

Thanks for reading, 
Olivia xx

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